In January the CITB reviewed the Health, safety and environment (HS&E) test to ensure that it continues to contribute towards a qualified workforce with the right knowledge, skills and training.
The test has now been updated to include new question styles. The content of the questions will not change but a few questions may be presented in a different way. Information regarding the changes, the new question styles and what is happening in the future can be found below.
You can try the new question styles by visiting the CITB website.
The test now only includes the ‘drag and drop text’ and ‘multiple choice with images’ question styles. Other question styles will be introduced later in the review.
All digital revision materials (DVDs, downloads and apps) have been updated to include the new question styles. These are available to purchase from the CITB shop at HS&E Test Revision Material . If you already have one of these, there will be an update available to include these changes. For further information about the updates refer to the frequently asked questions page.
You can still revise for the test using the revision book as the question content remains the same. However, if you would like to try the new question styles you can view them on the CITB website.
Thanks to the CITB for this information.